
Here you can view the stats related to the opportunities owned by the selected CRM user and how they are doing in terms of converting opportunities into sales.


Here you can view the stats related to the opportunities owned by the selected CRM user and how they are doing in terms of converting opportunities into sales.

In this section, you can examine the statistics associated with the opportunities managed by the chosen CRM user and assess their performance in terms of converting these opportunities into successful sales. The data presented includes a comprehensive overview of total leads, as well as a breakdown of open, won, abandoned, and lost opportunities.


The Total Leads represents the total count of leads allocated to a specific user, showcasing their individual responsibility for managing and nurturing these potential clients or customers.


The term “open leads” refers to the quantity of potential clients or customers who have not yet been converted into actual sales. These leads often require further engagement and follow-up actions from the user in order to successfully close the deals and secure new business.


Won leads represent the successfully converted opportunities managed by the user, resulting in completed sales transactions.


Abandoned opportunities refer to those potential sales that did not progress through the entire sales process and were ultimately forfeited for various reasons.


The Lost Leads displays the opportunities managed by the user that were not successfully converted into sales, providing insight into areas where improvements may be needed.

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