Smart Lists Filters

Smart Lists Filters

Smart Lists Filters

Are you in need of a better way to organize your contacts? Why not create smart lists! To do this, you will first need to add some filters. Adding filters gives you the control to precisely segment your contacts based on extra information like their sales progress and interaction with your company. This ensures that you are always working with targeted and relevant customer segments.

Filter Menu

On the top right of your contact list, select the More Filters button to begin creating your smart list. This will open up a variety of filtering options that you can use to create your smart list. Start from here and customize choices based on what you need. If you’d like additional smart lists with unique sets of filters, just repeat this process with different selections for each one.


When filtering items for your smart list, the first step is to click on a filter item.

Once you have named the list, click on either;

  • Save: To save this smart list,

  • Save as New: To duplicate the smart list you just created, or

  • Undo Unsaved: To undo the copy you haven’t saved yet.

Once you’ve selected the appropriate filter you wish to use, fill in the details, then select Apply at the bottom right of the page.

If you’d like to add additional filters beyond that one, simply press on the + And button until you are happy with your filters selection. Once all desired filters have been added, press ‘Save as Smart List’ at the bottom of the page. Here you will be presented with a popup where you can name your smart list accordingly. Remember to click on the green ‘Save’ button on the bottom right of the popup to save your smart list.



After completing your filter selections, you can easily collapse the filters’ side menu to declutter your screen. To do so, simply click on the ‘X’ button that initially expanded the menu. This will allow you to efficiently navigate and manage your contacts with a more streamlined view.


To delete a Smart list, Navigate to Manage Smart list.

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