Bulk Email Validation ✅

Bulk Email Validation ✅

Bulk Email Validation ✅

Available in Sub-Account LABs

Now your clients can validate email addresses in bulk! This new feature is ideal for verifying email accuracy before initiating any email campaigns or conversations.


How to Validate Email in Bulk:

  • Navigate to the Smart-list page.

  • Select all the contacts wish to validate.

  • Click on the "Email Verification Icon".

  • Add an action name and click "Ok, Proceed".



Prerequisites for Usage:

▸ The Sub-account needs to be on LC Email.

▸ Email Validation needs to be enabled, which can be done in two ways:

  • Within Agency Settings: Navigate to Email Services in the sidebar, access the Location Settings tab, and enable Email Verification.

  • For Individual Sub-accounts: Users can activate email validation in Settings -> Business Profile.

Advantages of Utilizing Bulk Email Validation:

  • Enhanced Deliverability:

    Ensures emails are successfully delivered to intended recipients.

  • Cost Efficiency:

    Helps in reducing expenditure on undeliverable emails.

  • Improved Sender Reputation:

    Aids in maintaining a favorable reputation with email service providers.

  • Lowered Spam Complaints:

    Minimizes the chances of emails being marked as spam.

  • Reliable Analytics:

    Offers more accurate insights into email campaign performance.

  • Regulatory Compliance:

    Assists in meeting standards and regulations related to email communication.

  • Better Customer Engagement:

    Improves communication effectiveness with verified email addresses.



Enable from Sub-Account LABs

This feature is a significant tool for users aiming to boost the efficiency and impact of their email communication strategies.

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