


Tasks List

Tasks play a crucial role in helping your business stay organized and on top of essential to-do items by consolidating everything within a single area of your CRM. In this section, you will find a variety of tasks associated with different team members and contacts, ensuring that all responsibilities are accounted for and properly managed to enhance overall efficiency and productivity.

NOTE: Depending on your user permissions, you may not have access to all of the component_s._


If the message No Task to Show Yet is displayed, it indicates that there are currently no tasks in your task list. As you begin to create tasks, they will appear in a list within this section, providing an organized and easily accessible overview of your ongoing responsibilities and assignments.


By utilizing the search bar, you can swiftly locate any specific task within your task list. This efficient tool streamlines the process of finding relevant tasks, saving time and effort while allowing you to focus on completing your responsibilities.


There are multiple methods for creating new tasks within your CRM system. One simple and convenient approach is to click on the designated button, which streamlines the process of adding tasks and allows you to efficiently manage your responsibilities and stay organized.

Creating New Task

In this section, you will find various elements required for creating a new task within your CRM. These components include the task title, description, assignee, associated contact, and due date. By incorporating these details, you can effectively manage and track responsibilities, ensuring that all tasks are well-organized and completed in a timely manner.

  1. 1.Task TitleWhen creating a new task, it is essential to assign a title. While the choice of naming is at your discretion, it is advisable to use a name that clearly conveys the task’s purpose, allowing for easy identification and retrieval at a later time. This will help streamline your workflow and enhance overall organization.

  2. 2.Task DescriptionWhile crafting a task description, it’s important to provide your team with ample details to ensure they can execute the task without any complications. Although including a description is optional, it is typically beneficial and recommended, as it offers valuable context and guidance for those responsible for completing the task.

  3. 3.Task AssigneeAssigning particular tasks to specific team members is an available feature that, while optional, can greatly enhance organization and efficiency within your team. By allocating responsibilities directly to individual members, you can streamline the workflow and ensure that each person is aware of their designated tasks, leading to a more productive work environment.

  4. 4.Task ContactIt is imperative that each task within your CRM be linked to a specific contact. The reason behind this requirement is that contacts serve as the foundation of your CRM system, and tasks play an integral role in managing these contacts. By associating tasks with contacts, you can efficiently handle and maintain relationships with your clients or customers.

  5. 5.Task Due DateIt is essential to assign a due date to every new task created. This requirement not only helps your team members be aware of the deadline for each task, but it also underscores the task’s importance and urgency. By setting a due date, you can ensure timely completion and maintain an organized workflow within your team.

  6. 6.Save or Cancel New TaskUpon completion of the task creation process, you have the option to either save or cancel the new task. If you choose to cancel, the task will be discarded and not added to your task list. On the other hand, selecting save will not only add the task to your task list but also associate it with the specific contact it was assigned to, ensuring seamless organization and management.

Task Table

The Task Table in your CRM provides comprehensive information about every task that has been created. It includes essential details such as the task name, description, associated contact, assigned team member, due date, and current status. This consolidated view enables efficient organization and management of tasks, ensuring a streamlined workflow within your team.


In this specific column of your task table, you will find the Task Name along with the description you have provided for each task. To access more comprehensive information about a particular task, simply click on it. This action will direct you to the contacts section where you can explore further details related to the task at hand.


Within this particular column of your task table, you will observe the contact associated with each task, highlighting the individual to whom the task has been assigned. This allows for easy reference and management of tasks in relation to their respective contacts.


In this specific column of your task table, the assigned team member for each task will be displayed. This allows for a clear overview of task distribution among team members, facilitating efficient organization and management within your team.


In this particular column of your task table, the Task Due Date is displayed. This information helps provide a clear understanding of the deadlines for each task, ensuring that tasks are completed in a timely manner and keeping the workflow organized.


In this designated column of your task table, the current status of each individual task is presented. To mark a task as completed, simply click on the checkmark icon. This allows for easy tracking and updating of task progress, ensuring an organized and efficient workflow.


To manage tasks, you can click the 3 dots on the far right of any task to show the task actions menu. With this menu you can perform a few different task actions:

1. Mark a task as complete

2. Edit selected task

3. Delete a selected task


Utilizing the filtering feature is a swift and convenient method for locating tasks based on specific criteria, such as contacts, assignees, task status, and due dates. This allows for more efficient organization and management of tasks, enabling you to focus on priorities and maintain an orderly workflow.


To display tasks exclusively assigned to specific contacts within your CRM, you can apply a contact-based filter to the task list. This enables you to narrow down and focus on tasks associated with particular contacts, streamlining the management process and enhancing overall organization.


Utilize the search bar when you need to locate a specific contact. Simply input the contact’s name into the search bar, and it will quickly retrieve the desired contact information, streamlining your workflow and enhancing efficiency in managing your contacts.


To display tasks solely assigned to particular team members, you can apply a user-based filter to the task list within your CRM. This allows you to focus on tasks allocated to specific individuals, facilitating more efficient task management and fostering an organized workflow among your team.


By choosing this tab, you will be presented with a list of all unassigned tasks. This enables you to review these tasks and determine whether any can be assigned to a team member, ensuring optimal task distribution and promoting efficient collaboration within your team.


To view tasks based on their current status, such as pending or completed, you can utilize this filter. This allows you to efficiently organize and manage tasks according to their progress, helping you prioritize work and maintain an effective workflow.


By accessing this tab, you have the ability to sort tasks based on their date of creation or impending due dates, in either ascending or descending order. This feature facilitates improved organization and prioritization of tasks, enabling you to effectively manage your workload and deadlines.

Refresh Data

To ensure that you are working with the most current data, click this button to refresh your information. This action guarantees accuracy and up-to-date details, enabling you to make informed decisions and maintain efficient workflows.

Select All Tasks

In order to select all tasks simultaneously, locate the checkbox situated at the top-left corner of the task table, positioned above all other checkboxes and tasks. By clicking this master checkbox, you can efficiently choose every task in the list, enabling you to carry out bulk actions. This feature streamlines the process of managing multiple tasks at once, saving time and enhancing productivity.


By selecting multiple tasks at once, you gain the ability to execute bulk actions on all chosen tasks simultaneously. This efficient method of task management helps you save valuable time, as it eliminates the need to handle each task individually. As a result, you can focus on more pressing matters and maintain a productive workflow.

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