Websites now support building an ONLINE STORE for your business

Websites now support building an ONLINE STORE for your business

Websites now support building an ONLINE STORE for your business

Businesses will now be able to create an online store within their websites for selling products or services anywhere across the globe

Create and configure products to display in the online store

Businesses will be able to create and control which products will get displayed in the online store under Payments -> Products using the Toggle to

Show in online store

in the product details page.

Additionally, businesses will now be able to have 3 core functionalities required for presenting products/services in their online store

  1. Enable rich text description

    - Businesses will be able to provide a rich text description for the products they are offering, including formatting, alignment, Bold, and Italics for emphasis on a few aspects, bulleted lists, or table elements. This description for the product will auto-populate on the Product details page

  2. Attach multiple images/videos for products

    - Displaying appropriate images and videos for products is a crucial part of your e-commerce store. Businesses will be able to attach multiple images and videos to products

  3. Create variants for products

    - Businesses will now be able to add variants like Size/Color/Material etc. for the products they configure. This will allow selling different variant options for the same product along with their customized prices

How to activate an online store?

  • An online store can be added both to an existing website as well as to a new website being created from scratch

  • Businesses will have the option to activate an online store by clicking on the


    icon in the website builder

When an online store is added to a website, 5 pages are added by default to the website which will form the building blocks for your store. Businesses will be able to add any other kind of elements around the store elements that will help them in giving an overall customized experience to their customers that suits their brand needs

  1. Products list page

    - This will contain the element to showcase all your products or services to your customers.

  2. Product details page

    - This will allow the presentation of rich text product descriptions that contain useful information beneficial while making a purchase

  3. Cart page

    - This will allow customers to have a summary of the items they intend to purchase, add or remove any services before proceeding to checkout

  4. Checkout page

    - This will allow the potential leads/customers to enter their shipping information, email, and other details, apply any coupon codes, and make an online payment using card, Apple Pay or Google Pay

  5. Thank you page

    - This will allow the business to display an order confirmation automatically after the payment is successfully made for the purchase

Users will be able to format the elements added by default to match the brand aesthetics of their overall website. Each element will have




settings for formatting.

Additional notes while creating an online store

  1. Only one-time products will be included in the online store. Businesses can still sell recurring products using funnels and order forms

  2. Automates sales receipts, Order Submitted trigger, Shopping cart element inside email builder to auto-populate line items purchased, Payments received trigger, and coupon codes will automatically work with any online store created

  3. All existing products will not be available in the online store by default. Businesses can choose which products they would want to showcase in the store and turn the toggle on for those respective products

  4. Businesses will be able to track the orders submitted, payments received, initiate any refunds, etc using the




    lists under the Payments menu

Refer here for further help - Link

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