Create and/or Upload Contacts

Learn the basics of migrating contacts or creating new ones

Although your CRM will automatically add contacts into your system whenever there is a text, call, Facebook message, or email communication created, you can manually add a new contact into your CRM with this button. When you click on the button, it directs you to the information page where you can input the contact details.​


  1. 1.Personal Logo: Here you can upload the business logo of each contact as a way to identify them especially if you have clients bearing the same name. The proposed size is 512*512px and not bigger than 2.5mb.

  2. 2.First and Last Name: Type in the Contact’s First and last name in these spaces provided.

  3. 3.Email: Type in the contact’s email address here**.​**

  4. 4.Phone: Type in the contact’s Phone number here**.​**

  5. 5.Contact Type: You either move the contact to the Lead type or the Customer type.

  6. 6.Time Zone: Choose the timezone your contact is in. This will help you or any of your users know the best time to contact them.

  7. 7.DND All Channel or some Channels: You can enable the Do Not Disturb notification here for all the social channels or some of the channels of the contact.

Click here to learn more about creating new contacts ➡️


If you need to import a single contact or a group of contacts from a different CRM or marketing campaign, you can upload your spreadsheet by selecting this button.


Your spreadsheet will need to have column headers that match the fields in this CRM.


There are three (3) steps you take when importing contacts to your CRM; Upload, Map, and Details.


The first step is uploading the contacts from your device but before you upload the contact, make sure your file is ready to be imported;

All files being imported into the system must:

  • Be a .csv file

  • Have only one spreadsheet

  • Be smaller than 50MB (tip: a typical .csv file with 4 columns and 10,000 records will be ~500kb in size)

  • Include a header row in which at least one column header corresponds to a field in the system (i.e the First and last name, Phone number, Email et.c.) for;

    • Uploading ONLY New Records in the system

      • Choose ‘Add New Records’ in Step 3 of the Import Flow

    • Updating ONLY Existing Records in the system

      • Choose ‘Update Contact Records’ in Step 3 of the Import Flow. Or,

    • Both

      • Choose ‘Both’ in Step 3 of the Import Flow


Here you can match your column from your imported file with the corresponding contact field in the system. You can also preview your matched information in the preview column.

NOTE: If you have an unmatched column(s), you have to tick the “Don’t import data in unmatched column” box in other to be able to move to the next step. You won’t be able to move to the next step without ticking on it.


This is the last step for importing contacts.


You can edit the import name

You can also create a new contact list with your import by ticking this box.


In the Advanced Settings, you can decide what you want to do with the contact in the .CSV file, you can either;

Add New and Update Existing Contact Records

Here you can decide to add the new contacts to a new list and also update the existing contact list in your CRM with these new contacts. Or

Add New Contact Records

You can also add the contacts to a new list only. Or

Update Existing Contact Records

You can only merge the new contacts with the existing contacts.

Find Existing Contacts Based on (Primary)

You can also decide to skip existing contacts based on the phone (Primary) when you merge or update your contact list or don’t skip.

You can tick the box to not update empty values for existing records.

Click here to learn more about uploading contact lists ➡️

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