Proposals and Estimates trigger inside workflows

Proposals and Estimates trigger inside workflows

Proposals and Estimates trigger inside workflows

Modified on: Mon, 27 Nov, 2023 at 9:49 AM

  • Business users are able to utilize the Proposals and Estimates trigger to trigger a workflow for use cases based upon the change in the state of a document

  • This will allow businesses with multiple use cases, like updating opportunity tags, sending an invoice, attaching tags to contacts, or maintaining any record through actions like Google Sheets/Slack after the proposal/estimate has been sent/signed by one of the recipients or completed by all participants

  • Users will be able to filter the trigger based on specific conditions like the document status, or value or the document type

  • The most common use case can be to trigger a workflow based on the document status

  1. Sent

     - Triggers the workflow when the document has been marked as Sent by the business

  2. Signed/Accepted

     - Based on the condition that it has been 

    signed by one of the recipients

     of the document (Useful in case of multiple recipients receiving the document and the business needs to maintain a record whenever any recipient has signed/accepted it)

  3. Completed 

    - Triggers the workflow when the document has been signed by all recipients who received the document

  • Business users will also be able to create 


    branches based on the above conditions along with value or document type criteria to branch the workflow based on the specific filters

  • Custom values will also function for the specific contact to fulfill any use cases or send out custom notifications upon specific events or conditions

  • This will also help in building reminder sequences if the document has not been signed by the contact and the business wants to 

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Does the trigger function for business users as well as contacts who sign the document?
Yes, the trigger will fire for all events when the proposal is sent or signed by the contact or the business user.

Is it possible to use the contact and user custom values inside the workflows with this trigger?
Yes, businesses will be able to make use of custom values inside workflows

Is it possible to send internal notifications or external emails using the trigger?

Yes, business users will be able to make use of the email templates configured to send notifications upon a trigger event

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