User Login

User Login

User Login

This runs when a user logs into membership.

The User Login trigger initiates the specified workflow when a user signs in to their membership account.

To set up this trigger, simply click on the Add New Workflow Trigger button and choose the User Login option from the list of available triggers.

This workflow will be activated each time a user logs in to your membership platform, ensuring efficient management and monitoring of user activity, ultimately leading to an enhanced user experience and improved membership administration.


You have the option to add additional filters using the Add Filter button. Here you will not see any standard fields, but you can choose a custom field from your list to trigger the workflow.

For example, if you have a custom field for Annual Income, and that’s broken into sections, you can set that up as your workflow trigger. Play around with your custom fields and see what works best for your scenario.

Not sure how to set up your custom fields but want something specific? We suggest talking to your CRM Administrator if you need further pointers for setting up exactly what you need.

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