Stripe & Paypal Integration

Connect your preferred platform for payments


If you currently accept payments using Stripe, you will be able to connect your account here.

You can also see whether “live” mode and “test” mode are enabled.

Stripe Live Mode

Use “live” mode when you’re ready to start accepting real transactions from customers.

Stripe Test Mode

Use “test” mode when testing new products so you don’t charge yourself by accident.

Connect or Disconnect Stripe

If you do not already have Stripe connected, you can use this button to set it up.

If you are already connected and would like to disconnect your account, you can also use this button to disconnect your account.


If you currently accept payments using PayPal, you will be able to connect your PayPal account here.

You can easily switch from “sandbox” mode to “live” mode with the click of a button.

Live Mode

Use “live” mode when you’re ready to start accepting real transactions from customers.

Live Client ID

Enter your PayPal client ID here. If you are unfamiliar with where to find your client ID, you can do a quick Google search or ask your CRM administrator.

Live Secret ID

Enter your PayPal secret ID here. If you are unfamiliar with where to find your secret ID, you can do a quick Google search or ask your CRM administrator.

Save Your Info

After you have added your information, make sure to save it before moving forward!

Sandbox Mode

Use “sandbox” mode when testing new products so you don’t charge yourself by accident.

Click here to learn more about Payment account Integration ➡️

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