Calendar Sync Option explained
Modified on: Mon, 22 Aug, 2022 at 3:46 PM
For Group calendar
We updated so that the sync option will be found in the Settings->Profile page after you integrate the Google account. You will need to log in as the user and go to the Settings -> Integrations page to connect with the Google account. After that is done, you can connect to the Google account under the Profile tab in the Calendar Configuration section.
For the sync option here, it would be the same idea as what we had before. Allow contact creation means that we will create a contact + appointment in HighLevel for the guests we found in the Google events.
If you don't want us to create a contact, you can choose "Select Default Calendar" and click save.
After you select the default calendar, the Allow Trigger option would show up and that means if you want the appointment triggers or Customer booked appointment trigger to fire for the contact we created to add the lead to the appointment reminder campaigns.
For unassigned calendar
All HL appointments will still push to the linked Google calendar no matter what the sync option is.
The behaviour for two-way sync and disable trigger would pull the guests in the Google events and add them to Highlevel.
Smart sync would pull the guests in the Google events and add them to Highlevel if we found that they are already a lead with the same email in HighLevel.
Calendar Sync Options:
One way:
All events from Google calendar will be shown as grey. It will not add whoever is invited in the Google event to HighLevel. But will still sync the Appointments from HL to the Google calendar and block the timeslot pulled from Google.
Two way:
All events from google calendar will be colored and will talk to each other. HighLevel will find who is invited in the Google event, create a contact record for them, and fire off any triggers associated with the calendar.
When an event is created in Google calendar but the contacts associated with the event were not found to be already existing in HighLevel as contacts, HighLevel will not add them as contacts but will block the time off in your HighLevel calendar (event color will be gray).
Alternatively, when an event is created in Google calendar and the contacts associated with the event were found as existing contacts in HighLevel, HighLevel will color code the event and fire off any triggers associated with the calendar.
Disable Trigger:
All Google Calendar event contacts will be pulled into HighLevel as new contacts, but no triggers associated with the HighLevel calendar will fire.