Understanding Calendar Color Codes

How to customize and color code your calendar appointments

Calendar Color Codes

There are eleven different color codes related to different calendar events in your CRM calendar. To access the calendar code visual, click on the blue question mark icon to the left of the blue My Calendar button. When you click on the button, a visual will appear with a description of each color code. Calendar color codes make for an easier visual representation of event types when quickly viewing your calendar bookings. Here we will review what each color code represents.

  • Calendar Slot – WhiteThe first color code you will see is a white slot, which indicates that no bookings have been made for that time period. These slots are open slots that are available for booking if you have your calendar set up for availability during that time.

  • Calendar Slot – GreyA grey calendar slot is a blocked slot sync from google when you have turned on one-way sync – Not Editable.

  • Calendar Slot – Light GreyA light grey calendar slot is a blocked slot sync from google (which is marked as free) when you have turned on one-way sync. This is not editable.

  • Calendar Slot – PurpleA purple calendar slot is a recurring event with busy status, to allow multiple bookings set appointments per slot to more than 1 – Not Editable.

  • Calendar Slot – Light PurpleA light purple calendar slot means the Recurring event is marked as free. This is not editable.

  • Calendar Slot – BlueA blue calendar slot is a booked appointment (with contact) with busy status. The busy event color is darker than the Free event and is based on the value set in the respective Calendar Service. To allow multiple bookings set appointments per slot to more than 1.

  • Calendar Slot – Light BlueA light blue calendar slot is an appointment (with contact) booked but marked as free. Free event color is lighter than Busy event and based on the value set in the respective Calendar Service.

  • Calendar Slot – RedCalendar slots in red represent that the booked appointment with contact was marked as canceled, invalid, or no-show.

  • Calendar Slot – YellowIf you see a yellow slot on your calendar, that means a new appointment with a contact was booked but requires your action. You can click on the appointment in your calendar to view the action needed.

  • Calendar Slot – GreenA green slot on your calendar means the slot is marked unavailable in our app, will not show up in the widget, and will not sync back to google.

  • Calendar Slot – Light GreenA light green slot on your calendar means the slot has been fetched from Google Calendar (without contact) which is marked free.

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