Conditions and Workflow Actions Overview

In the actions section of your workflow builder, you’ll come across a category called Conditions and Workflow Actions. This group comprises actions such as If/Else, Wait, Webhook, Go to, Math Operation, and Goal Event. Each of these actions plays a vital role in maximizing the efficiency of your workflows, and we will provide a brief overview of each one.

Conditions and Workflow Actions

In the actions section of your workflow builder, you’ll come across a category called Conditions and Workflow Actions. This group comprises actions such as If/Else, Wait, Webhook, Go to, Math Operation, and Goal Event. Each of these actions plays a vital role in maximizing the efficiency of your workflows, and we will provide a brief overview of each one.


The If/Else Event action occurs when a particular condition is satisfied, directing contacts towards alternative workflow actions. Employ this workflow action to create separate paths in a workflow based on specific conditions, such as tags or custom values.


The Wait event represents a distinct workflow action, specifically designed to halt contact progression at a certain step until a desired condition is fulfilled. This valuable tool proves advantageous when awaiting a tag, appointment, event, specific time, or contact response.


The Webhook action enables users to transmit a webhook containing the contact’s details. This workflow action streamlines the process of sending information to external sources like other websites from within your CRM, eliminating the need for manual actions.


The Go-To event streamlines the process of transitioning contacts from one event to another. The Go To feature is highly beneficial when dealing with intricate workflows containing several branches, as it enables customers to proceed to the next step without duplicating numerous workflow actions.


Math operation functions facilitate calculations or score metrics, which can be employed to assign scores to leads based on their responses and engagement in a marketing campaign. By integrating the math operation in the workflow, the system can efficiently manage these calculations.


The Goal Event feature autonomously advances contacts to the subsequent step in the workflow once they fulfill the goal conditions specified by the user, regardless of the contact’s current position in the workflow. This workflow action is ideal for concluding a series of workflow steps when a customer achieves your desired objective, such as finalizing a purchase.

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