Send Review Request

In order to solicit a review from a contact, users are advised to opt for the Send Review Request workflow action. This command dispatches a review request to the specified contact. To initiate the process, simply click on the designated “+” icon and choose the Send Review Request option. By doing so, you can effectively gather valuable feedback from your contacts, contributing to improved customer relations and enhancing the overall quality of your products or services.

Send Review Request

In order to PUBLISH workflows, you will need to establish a workflow trigger and a workflow action. Without both, you will only be able to save the workflow, not publish it.


In order to solicit a review from a contact, users are advised to opt for the Send Review Request workflow action. This command dispatches a review request to the specified contact. To initiate the process, simply click on the designated “+” icon and choose the Send Review Request option. By doing so, you can effectively gather valuable feedback from your contacts, contributing to improved customer relations and enhancing the overall quality of your products or services.


Users can request a review from their contacts via two methods: Email or SMS. The review request will send a contact a notification to give you a review after an event has been triggered, such as winning the opportunity or completing a purchase.

NOTE: Configure the review request message in the Reputation Settings

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