External Communication Actions Overview

When building workflows and adding workflow actions, you will notice a category of actions called External Communication Actions. This category includes actions such as Send email, Send SMS, Call, Voicemail, Messenger, Instagram DM, Manual SMS, Manual call, and GMB messaging. External Communication Actions send messages or calls to your clients based on your preferences.

External Communication Actions

External Communication Workflow Actions

When building workflows and adding workflow actions, you will notice a category of actions called External Communication Actions. This category includes actions such as Send email, Send SMS, Call, Voicemail, Messenger, Instagram DM, Manual SMS, Manual call, and GMB messaging. External Communication Actions send messages or calls to your clients based on your preferences.


The Send Email workflow action allows you to dispatch an outbound email to a contact when your workflow is activated. Using emails, you have the option to utilize pre-built templates and include attachments. After activating the workflow and having customers engage with it, you’ll also be able to access email delivery statistics!


Similarly, the Send SMS workflow action delivers a text message to the customer upon triggering the workflow. With SMS, you can use pre-built templates and even add attachments. Once the workflow is live and you’ve had customers run through it, you’ll even be able to see the SMS statistics!


In the case of the Call workflow action, if a contact is assigned to a user, this event initiates a call to the user and plays a whisper message. If there is no assignment, the number specified in the Settings > Company tab > Company Phone field will be called, and the whisper message played. If the recipient presses any number key during the call, the system dials the Contact to connect them with their caller.


The Voicemail action forwards a pre-recorded voicemail file to the contact. With this action, you can assign a user within the workflow for the voicemail to send from. When uploading a voicemail file, you will need to make sure it is in either mp3 or wav format.


The Messenger action within your workflow dispatches a message to your contacts through Facebook Messenger. For successful message delivery, the contact must have messaged a Facebook page linked to your CRM within 24 hours prior to reaching the event.


Similarly, to send a message to your contacts using the Instagram action in your workflow via Instagram, they need to have messaged an Instagram page connected to your CRM within 24 hours before arriving at the event.


The Manual SMS action generates a manual task for an individual to send an SMS directly to the contact. (Manual tasks can be found under Contacts > Manual Actions). Assign Manual SMS actions to your team members after a certain event has been triggered to follow up in a more personalized way!


The Manual Call workflow action generates a manual task for an individual to directly initiate a call to a contact. These manual tasks can be found in the Contacts > Manual Actions section. Utilize manual calls to quickly follow up with contacts after a certain event has been triggered.


Meanwhile, the GMB Message workflow action within your workflow allows you to send messages to your contacts through Google My Business. To guarantee successful delivery, the contact must have messaged a GMB page linked to your CRM within 24 hours prior to the event.\

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