Calendar: Service Menu Auto Opt-In

In the 'What's New - Calendar Updates' pop-up, 'Agency Admins' can effortlessly click on "Disable Service Menu" for any specific sub-account they intend to deactivate the service menu for.

Calendar: Service Menu Auto Opt-In

What's New?

  • This enhancement grants all sub-accounts access to service calendars and the service menu.

  • Should any sub-account prefer to opt-out, this action can only be performed by the Agency Admin. Opting out will hide the service menu and calendars for that specific sub-account.

How to Use?

  • In the 'What's New - Calendar Updates' pop-up, 'Agency Admins' can effortlessly click on "Disable Service Menu" for any specific sub-account they intend to deactivate the service menu for.

  • Alternatively, Agency Admins can navigate to Calendar Settings > Account Preferences > Service Menu, where they will find toggles to turn off the Service Menu feature for individual sub-accounts.

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