Comments In Memberships

Your Course Takers can now comment in the Lesson of a Product.

Comments In Memberships


Comments are live for memberships


Your Course Takers can now comment in the Lesson of a Product.

Course creator can manage comments. Comments can be Enabled, Hidden, or locked.

Comments setting also allow flexibility on visibility: Instructor only,Public

A "


" comment box will be visible on the page and will show existing comments

In the thread and will give your users the ability to add new comments:


A "Hidden" comment box will not be visible on the page and will not show existing comments in the thread.



A "Locked" comment box will remove the ability for your users to add new comments, however, the existing

Comments will still be visible.


Visibility Settings


On a particular comment in the comment manager can select User Only or Public in the drop down to change the visibility

Course Takers are Only allowed make the comment to be only visible to User and the Course Creator

Public will make the comment visible to All Course takers of the product.

Delete and Restore


Comments can be deleted and restored by the course creator

Comments Preview

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