
If you already have a Survey created, you can easily incorporate it into your page. If not, your browser will automatically redirect you to the Survey page so you can get started.


If you already have a Survey created, you can easily incorporate it into your page. If not, your browser will automatically redirect you to the Survey page so you can get started.

To ensure that any subsequent updates you make to your form are visible on your page, you’ll need to delete the existing element and add it again for these changes to take effect.

General Setting


The General Setting feature displays the default name/title of the Edit option you are currently working on, which you can either leave as is or change according to your preference. Renaming is a useful option, especially when you are dealing with multiple elements in your funnel page that you need to identify easily.


There are different spacing options available for adjusting your content. Depending on the Edit option you are working on, the settings will only be applicable to that option. For example, if you are editing a particular Row (the BLUE box), only every content in that Row will follow the command of what settings you make.

  • Padding Left, Right, Top, and BottomTo adjust the padding of your content, there are four different toggle bars available for Padding Left, Right, Top, and Bottom. By selecting the appropriate toggle bar, you can move your content to the left, right, top, or bottom, according to your preference. Adjusting the padding can help improve the visual balance of elements on your web page, making it more appealing to your audience.

  • Margin Top and BottomMoreover, you can toggle the bars to adjust the Margin Top and Bottom of your content easily. This feature provides greater control over the position and appearance of your content on your web page, allowing you to customize your web page’s design to fit your style.


Need to change your survey? Use the survey dropdown to choose a different survey to include in your funnel page. If you need to create a new survey, check out the survey builder section under Sites in your CRM.


The Button Action feature provides you with two options; either Open the popup or Go-to website URL.

  • WebsiteWhen you select the Go-to website URL action icon, you must select the website page you wish to link to.

  • Open In New TabYou can enable the Open in New Tab feature, which directs visitors to a new tab when they perform an action, making it easier for them to navigate back to your web page.

Advanced Settings

The Advanced Settings feature provides additional customization options for your web page.


The Visibility option allows you to choose whether a particular Edit option is visible on desktop, mobile, or both. By highlighting the relevant icon, you can optimize your web page for your target audience and device.


The Custom Class option enables you to assign a custom class name to your element, enabling you to apply custom styles specifically to that element. You can input your custom class name in the designated field to link it to style definitions in a stylesheet.


You can easily copy the Custom CSS code by clicking on the Copy icon located on the right side of the reference code. By simplifying the process of replicating and implementing your CSS Selector code across your web page, you can save time and improve your web page’s functionality.

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