Latest Security Enhancement: Iframe for Sameorigin Toggle 🔑

A significant security enhancement has been rolled out in the latest update – the introduction of the Iframe for Sameorigin Toggle. This feature is aimed at bolstering the security of funnels by preventing their display in iframes on different domains, thereby offering strong defense against clickjacking attacks.

Latest Security Enhancement: Iframe for Sameorigin Toggle 🔑


Robust Protection Against Clickjacking for Funnels

A significant security enhancement has been rolled out in the latest update – the introduction of the Iframe for Sameorigin Toggle. This feature is aimed at bolstering the security of funnels by preventing their display in iframes on different domains, thereby offering strong defense against clickjacking attacks.


Key Advantages:

The activation of the Iframe for Sameorigin feature mitigates clickjacking risks. It ensures that funnels are only embedded in iframes on the same domain, adding an essential layer of security.



How it works

  • Easy Toggle Control:

    Users can manage iframe settings conveniently from the Funnels & Websites module.

  • Protection from Clickjacking:

    By activating the toggle, funnels are restricted from being embedded in iframes on external domains.

  • User-Friendly Approach:

    The feature allows users to enhance funnel security effortlessly, without requiring complex configurations.


Enabling Iframe for Sameorigin:

  • Navigate to the Funnels & Websites settings in your dashboard.

  • Look for the Iframe for Sameorigin toggle within the settings.

  • Activate the toggle to significantly enhance the security of your funnel.


Why It's Important:

  • Clickjacking attacks can compromise the security and integrity of funnels. The Iframe for Sameorigin Toggle is a proactive step in securing online presence and protecting users from potential security threats.

This enhancement underscores the commitment to providing powerful, user-friendly tools for digital asset protection and a safe online user experience.

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