Picture in Picture mode on hosted video scroll 🚀

This feature is available on new funnel/website builder. Enable it in labs now! 🚀🚀🚀

Funnels And Websites

Picture in Picture mode on hosted video scroll 🚀

This feature is available on new funnel/website builder. Enable it in labs now! 🚀🚀🚀


About this release:


A new option in the brand new funnel/website builder which can play hosted videos in picture in picture (PiP) when the user scrolls past the video from the viewport.


How does it work?


When this feature is enabled, when the user is watching the video and scrolls past the video, the video will now play in a small window similar to PiP in the bottom right corner of the browser window. This will allow the user to watch the video and stay connected without making additional interaction or manually enabling the PiP mode. Refer below screenshots and video


How to Use?


  • Users can use the feature by selecting a video element and selecting hosted video

  • Add a video element

  • Select hosted video

  • Toggle the "Enable PiP mode on scroll" in playback controls settings


Video explanation:



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