Custom Fields/Merge Fields support for Video Element in Funnels/Websites 🔥

Custom Fields/Merge Fields are now supported as source for video in Funnels & Websites

Custom Fields/Merge Fields support for Video Element in Funnels/Websites 🔥

Custom Fields/Merge Fields are now supported as source for video in Funnels & Websites

🌟 Old Behavior

  • Only URL's and custom values were supported in Video Element as source

  • Users might want to add custom fields from contacts as video source

😎 New Behavior

  • All the contact custom fields will be now supported in Video Element as source

  • User's can make use of any contact info filled by the end customers to be used as sources for video element


  • Filling value via query params is not supported for the video element.

  • Custom Fields cannot be used for custom embed videos as source

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