Increased Product purchase limit in Order forms 🌟

We're thrilled to announce an enhancement to our product purchase limit. With this latest update, you can now increase the limit from a maximum of 10 to a whopping 999!

Increased Product purchase limit in Order forms 🌟

We're thrilled to announce an enhancement to our product purchase limit. With this latest update, you can now increase the limit from a maximum of 10 to a whopping 999!


What's New?

  • Increased Product Limit:

    The maximum product purchase limit in funnel products has been raised to 999. This change will be reflected in the order forms.

  • Updated User Interface:

    We've improved the user interface for updating the quantity of product in order forms for a better user experience.


Old Behavior

Previously, customers could only purchase a maximum quantity of 10 for each product.


New Behavior

Now, customers can purchase up to 999 units of each product in a single order!


How It Works

To set the new limit,

  • navigate to Funnel products

  • click 'edit' on any product

  • in Additional options change the limit and save.

Once you save the funnel, navigate to your order form page, where you'll see the order form with the new quantity dropdown.

Pain Point Addressed

This enhancement allows users to buy up to 999 units of products in a single purchase, providing more flexibility and catering to larger volume orders.

So, go ahead and take full advantage of this exciting update and let your customers enjoy the expanded buying options!

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