Adding Your Custom Domain

Setting up DNS records for custom funnels, calendars and more


In this section, you can connect your website domains to your CRM which will give you the ability to build and manage your website directly inside your CRM!

We strongly advise that you speak to your CRM administrator or a web developer before performing these actions.

NOTE: Depending on your user permissions, you may not have access to all of the components.


To add a new domain to your CRM, click this button.

Adding Your Domain

You can ONLY add an already purchased domain to your CRM. If you have not yet purchased a domain, you will need to go purchase one from your web hosting service.

Enter Domain Here

Once you have your domain, you can add it here.



You will need to log into your web hosting service and change your DNS records to match what you see here.


This is not required, but if you have robots.txt code that you want to add to this domain, you can do so here.

Robots.txt is a text file webmasters create to instruct web robots (typically search engine robots) how to crawl pages on their website.

Save and Apply Changes

Make sure to select the “Add” button when you are finished.

Adding a domain may take some time, and this button may not work right away. Your DNS records will need to propagate and that can take up to 24 hours.

If you have never changed or added DNS records, contact your CRM admin or a web developer to do this for you.

Click here to learn more about connecting domain to your CRM ➡️

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