
Manage coupon discounts to increase conversion.


Manage coupon discounts to increase conversion.

Coupons are offers that can provide a discount on a purchase when payment is made to a business or organization. They’re an attractive and effective way to bring in potential customers. For businesses, coupons are a great way to entice sales and increase brand visibility. Manage your coupons through the convenience of your CRM by accessibly navigating to the Coupon section under the Payments Tab.





When you open the page, you will see a list of all the coupons in your CRM. If the page is blank then you currently do not have any coupons created. You can filter through your coupons by using the buttons on the top of the page. You can select to view all coupons, or view active, scheduled, or expired coupons.

Filter to see all coupons

Filter to see all coupons


This feature enables you to view currently active coupons within your CRM, providing a streamlined overview of ongoing promotions and offers. This is particularly useful when managing multiple offers in your CRM, as it allows you to quickly and efficiently focus on the active coupons that are presently available to your customers.

Filter active coupons

Filter active coupons


This feature allows you to view coupons within your CRM that are scheduled for a specific time frame, offering a clear and organized perspective of upcoming promotions and deals. This is especially beneficial when managing numerous offers in your CRM, as it enables you to efficiently focus on the coupons that are planned for future activation.

Filter scheduled coupons

Filter scheduled coupons


This feature enables you to view expired coupons within your CRM, providing a comprehensive overview of past promotions and deals that are no longer valid. Coupons typically have a predetermined validity period, and once this duration has elapsed, the coupon will transition to an expired status.

Filter expired coupons

Filter expired coupons


This feature allows you to search for a specific coupon by inputting a portion of its coupon code. To locate a particular coupon, you must have knowledge of at least part of its unique code. By utilizing this search functionality, you can quickly and efficiently find the desired coupon within your CRM, saving time and effort when managing various promotional offers and campaigns.

Coupon search bar

Coupon search bar

Coupon List


In this section, you will find the designated names assigned to each of your coupons. These names typically provide an indication of the offer associated with the coupon, allowing for easy identification and recognition at a glance.

Coupon name

Coupon name


A coupon code is a distinct identifier assigned to each coupon, which customers can use to redeem the associated offer. By entering the specific coupon code you have generated, prospects can take advantage of the promotional deal or discount available through the coupon. You can learn more about creating coupon codes here.

Coupon code

Coupon code


This column displays the monetary value of the discount associated with each coupon on the list. By reviewing this information, you can quickly gain an understanding of the savings offered through each promotional deal, allowing for efficient management and evaluation of your marketing campaigns.

Discount coupon

Discount coupon


In the event that you are planning a promotional offer for a future date, you would establish a specific time frame by setting a start and end date for the offer. The Start Date column displays the activation date for each coupon listed, providing a clear overview of when your offers are scheduled to go live.

Coupon Start date and time

Coupon Start date and time


This section indicates the current status of each coupon, revealing whether it is active, scheduled for future activation, or has already expired. This information provides a clear overview of your promotional offers and their respective timelines.

Coupon status

Coupon status


In this area, you can view the total count of customers who have utilized their coupon codes to take advantage of the respective promotional offers. This data offers insights into the effectiveness and reach of your marketing campaigns.

Coupon redemption count

Coupon redemption count


Clicking on the three dots to the far right of the coupon will give you three options. Here you can view the history of the coupon, edit the coupon, or delete the coupon. Note that when you choose to delete the coupon, the action cannot be undone.

View History – Here you can see the orders in which the coupon code has been applied. Clicking on this tab will redirect you to the orders page where you can view the specific orders to which the coupon code was successfully applied.

Edit- It lets you edit the individual coupon settings such as coupon name, and code, or change the offer period.

Delete- This allows you to delete one of the coupons from the list. Coupons once deleted can not be restored.

Coupon action menu

Coupon action menu

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