Payments and Invoicing - Pagination available | Payment trigger now fires off for PayPal transactions | Search fixes

Pagination has now been added to the Payments module

Payments and Invoicing - Pagination available | Payment trigger now fires off for PayPal transactions | Search fixes

  • Pagination has now been added to the Payments module

  • This provides businesses the ability to view more than 10 records per page for all list views available in the Payments menu like Invoices, Orders, Subscriptions, and Transactions

  • PayPal transactions are now tracked in the Payment Received trigger. This allows businesses to fire off triggers for payments made via PayPal, filter by success/failure, or for the product that was purchased

  • The issue with the search option not working accurately on the list pages under Payments has now been fixed. Businesses will be able to search for a subscription/transaction using the Customer's name accurately now

Screenshot 2023-09-01 at 12
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