A2P 10 DLC Webinar Questions & FAQ

Complete A2P 10 DLC Webinar Questions & FAQ

A2P 10 DLC Webinar Questions & FAQ

Modified on: Thu, 17 Aug, 2023 at 9:01 PM


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What happens if we only purchase Canadian phone numbers? Not USA.

If you only purchase Canadian phone numbers and not USA numbers, it means you will be limited to sending SMS messages to recipients in Canada only. You cannot send messages to recipients in the USA using those Canadian phone numbers. This restriction is because the phone numbers are country-specific, and each country has its own telecommunications regulations and requirements. Therefore, if you have a specific target audience or customer base in Canada and do not need to communicate with recipients in the USA, purchasing Canadian phone numbers should suffice for your messaging needs within Canada.

If we switch to Lead Connector, will we be automatically compliant?

If you switch to LC Phone system within LeadConnector (LC), it does not automatically make you compliant with all regulations and requirements. While the LC Phone system provides tools and features to facilitate compliance, such as managing phone numbers and SMS campaigns, it is still essential to follow the necessary steps and guidelines to ensure full compliance with regulations like A2P 10DLC.

Compliance involves various factors, including registering phone numbers, adhering to opt-in/opt-out requirements, and following specific regulations in different countries or regions. It's crucial to stay informed about the compliance requirements relevant to your use case and consult with the LC support team or refer to their documentation for accurate guidance.

Switching to the LC Phone system can make it easier to manage compliance-related tasks within the LeadConnector platform, but it is not a guarantee of compliance.

Explain compliance requirements for Canada.

For compliance in Canada, it's important to understand and adhere to the regulations set forth by the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) and the Canadian Anti-Spam Legislation (CASL).

If you are using the LC Phone system within LeadConnector and operating in Canada, you should ensure that you comply with the following guidelines:

Consent: Obtain proper permission from recipients before sending them commercial electronic messages (CEMs), including SMS. Consent can be express or implied, depending on the nature of the relationship with the recipient.

Identification: Include accurate identification information in your messages, such as your business name and contact information.

Unsubscribe Mechanism: Provide recipients with a straightforward way to unsubscribe from receiving future messages from you. Ensure that opt-out requests are processed promptly.

Records of Consent: Maintain records of consent obtained from recipients, including information about when and how permission was obtained.

Compliance with CRTC Regulations: Comply with additional regulations set by the CRTC, such as those related to telemarketing, National Do Not Call List (DNCL), and other specific requirements for telecommunications service providers.

Why can't we see the option to access the Trust Center in phone settings for Canadian clients?

The Trust Center is only visible currently to US businesses. To see the Trust Center option, enter the business profile settings and change the country to the US. 

What if your agency is registered in Canada and doesn't have an EIN? How should we verify the US numbers we use for our agency sub-account in the US?

A new entity called Sole Proprietorship 2.0 that supports non-EIN customers is available: A2P Sole Proprietor Brands Registration is Now Live!

One alternative is to register for toll-free number registration: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001222300-toll-free-number-registration-for-lc-phone-us-canada-.

Im in the UK with no option for Trust Profile. Do I need to worry about this for my USA numbers?

One alternative is to register for toll-free number registration: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001222300-toll-free-number-registration-for-lc-phone-us-canada-.

You can still use the system following the best practices so that the delivery rate is high and the SMS is not flagged. A2P campaign is just a more enhanced safety net for delivery, but that doesn't mean you cannot use the system without it. 

You can follow these basic compliance rules, and you should be good to roll:

1. Add Opt-Out Language in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

2. Add SenderID  in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

3. Do not send SMS to SMS-incapable devices like landlines; enable the number validation feature for this - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/temporary-dnd-based-on-number-validation

4. Avoid sending URLs shortened using a public URL shortener

Please see the LC messaging policy to help you further: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001213941.

Isn't there a min number of texts where the carriers would block SMS/texts? 

Carriers have certain thresholds or limits that can trigger the blocking or filtering of text messages if they are suspected of spamming or violating certain regulations. While the specific entries may vary between carriers, there is generally a minimum number of texts or other factors that can raise suspicion and lead to message blocking.

When a person buys a new cell number, their texts are not typically blocked right away solely because they didn't register the number. However, if the number is being used for sending a large volume of unsolicited or unwanted messages, it could trigger suspicion and lead to message blocking by the carriers.

I signed up last year for the beta and registered way early. Is it possible for me to 're-register' to fully comply? I need Standard instead of Sole Prop. I have an EIN.

If you have an EIN (Employer Identification Number), you are not eligible to register for the Sole Proprietor (Sole Prop) registration category. The Sole Prop category is specifically designed for sole proprietors without an EIN.

Since you have an EIN and must register as Standard instead of Sole Prop, select the Standard registration option when updating or re-registering your information. This registration type is suitable for businesses with an EIN and provides the appropriate compliance framework for your organization.

Where do we go to find the Trust Center?

Log in to your account.

Navigate to the "Phone Number settings."

Look for a menu or tab labeled "Trust Center."

If our brand is registered, but the campaign itself is not, I would like to know if our phone numbers will remain operational after the deadline.

If your brand is registered, but the campaign itself is not registered by the deadline, it may impact the operational status of your phone numbers. The registration process is necessary to comply with A2P 10DLC requirements, which aim to ensure the legitimacy and integrity of business messaging.

If your campaign is not registered, there is a possibility that your phone numbers could be subject to restrictions, such as reduced deliverability or being flagged as unregistered or unverified. This could affect the successful delivery of your SMS messages and potentially impact the overall effectiveness of your campaign.

To ensure the continued operational status of your phone numbers and maintain compliance with A2P 10DLC regulations, completing the registration process for your campaign as soon as possible is recommended. This will help mitigate potential disruptions and ensure the smooth operation of your messaging services.

What are the two cost options? $4.41 and $16.54 for?

The cost options you mentioned, $4.41 for sole prop and the other for standard businesses with an EIN, are for different pricing tiers based on the business type and registration category.

The $4.41 cost option is for sole proprietorships, which typically refers to businesses where the owner operates as an individual without a separate legal entity. The other cost option is to standard firms with an EIN (Employer Identification Number). Standard businesses typically refer to entities with a separate legal structure, such as corporations, partnerships, or LLCs.

My address has changed since we registered our EIN. How do we handle that?

If your address has changed since registering your EIN (Employer Identification Number), you may need to update your business address in the appropriate registration system or with the relevant authorities. Here are some general steps to handle this situation:

Update your address with the Internal Revenue Service (IRS): Contact the IRS and provide them with the updated address for your business. You can do this by filling out Form 8822-B, "Change of Address or Responsible Party - Business," and submitting it to the IRS.

Update your address with the business registration authorities: Depending on your jurisdiction and the type of business entity you have, you may need to update your address with the appropriate business registration authorities. This could include state or provincial agencies or local government offices. Check the requirements and procedures specific to your location to ensure compliance.

Update your address in your business profiles and accounts: Update your address in any relevant business profiles, accounts, or platforms you use for your business operations. This may include online directories, social media platforms, banking accounts, and other business-related platforms.

Notify relevant partners and stakeholders: Inform your clients, customers, vendors, and other relevant parties about your address change. To ensure accurate communication, update your contact information on your website, business cards, and other marketing materials.

It's important to keep your business address up to date to ensure smooth communication and compliance with regulatory requirements. Remember to review the specific guidelines and procedures provided by the authorities in your jurisdiction for updating your address to ensure proper compliance with their regulations.

Does the 6,000 sms segments per day mean per phone number or total per campaign?

The limit of 6,000 SMS segments per day typically refers to the total number of segments allowed for all messages sent within 24 hours. A single SMS message can consist of multiple segments, especially if it exceeds the character limit set by the SMS provider or includes special or non-standard characters.

Therefore, the limit applies to the cumulative number of segments across all the messages sent from a specific campaign or account within a day. It is not clear to individual phone numbers.

What if your address has changed since you received the CP 575 form?

Suppose your address has changed since you received the CP 575 form, which is the form issued by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to assign an Employer Identification Number (EIN). In that case, updating your address with the IRS is important to ensure they have your current contact information.

To update your address with the IRS, you can follow these steps:

  1. Fill out Form 8822, "Change of Address," which is the official form to notify the IRS of your new address. You can obtain this form from the IRS website or by contacting the IRS directly.

  2. Provide your updated address information on Form 8822, including your EIN, old address, and new address.

  3. Sign and date the form.

  4. Mail the completed Form 8822 to the appropriate IRS address as specified in the form's instructions. Make sure to send it to the correct IRS office based on your location and the type of entity you are (e.g., individual, corporation, partnership).

By updating your address with the IRS, you ensure that they have accurate information for your business and can send important correspondence and documents to the correct address.

It's also a good practice to update your address with any other relevant entities, such as your state or local tax authorities, business partners, and service providers, to ensure they have your current contact information.

I have a UK Ltd company, the UK company number, and all the fields are filled in, but no option for Trust Center. 

If you have a UK Limited (Ltd) company and do not see the option for the Trust Center, it is because it is specific to the United States, and the A2P 10DLC registration process is for US-based businesses.

Since the Trust Center is designed to facilitate compliance with US regulations and requirements, it is not applicable or available for businesses registered in the UK or other countries outside the United States.

We should expect a $2 to $12 monthly fee per client, correct?

Yes, based on the information you provided, it was mentioned that there would be a monthly fee per client ranging from $2 to $12. The exact cost may depend on factors such as the type of client (sole proprietorship or standard), the volume of messages sent, and the specific pricing structure set by the service providers and carriers

In the trust center, I cannot move past the first step. I received this message: "Customers with EIN are NOT ELIGIBLE for Sole Prop Registration, and submission might result in rejection." What do I do in that case?

Suppose you receive the message "Customers with EIN are NOT ELIGIBLE for Sole Prop Registration" in your Trust Center and cannot proceed with the registration process. In that case, it suggests that you cannot register as a sole proprietor without an EIN (Employer Identification Number).

In this case, you should explore the alternative registration option: 

  • Standard Registration. - The Standard Registration is intended for businesses with an EIN. You may need to select the appropriate registration option based on your business structure and proceed with the Standard Registration process instead.

Do you need an EIN?

What if the address I used when creating my EIN and LLC business address now differs? Should I register with the address I originally used?

According to IRS policies, it is essential to maintain accurate and up-to-date information regarding your business address. Suppose the address you used when you created your EIN (Employer Identification Number) is no longer current and does not match your current LLC business address; updating the address with the IRS is recommended.

To update your business address with the IRS, complete Form 8822-B, the Change of Address or Responsible Party - Business form. This form lets you edit your business address and notify the IRS of any changes.

It is important to remember that maintaining accurate business address information is essential for IRS compliance and various other purposes, such as receiving important tax documents and correspondence from the IRS.

It is recommended to consult the IRS website or seek professional advice to ensure you follow the correct procedures for updating your business address with the IRS.

Can I use the same EIN for different accounts or locations?

Using the same Employer Identification Number (EIN) for different businesses is generally not recommended for maximum compliance. Each business entity typically needs its unique EIN, especially if they are separate legal entities or operate in other industries.

While using the same EIN for different accounts or locations within the same business entity is possible, it's essential to understand the potential consequences and ensure compliance with local regulations.

Here are the potential consequences of using the same EIN for different businesses:

Tax Compliance Issues: Each business entity has tax obligations and reporting requirements. Using the same EIN for multiple businesses can lead to confusion and inaccuracies in tax filings, which may result in penalties or legal consequences.

Liability and Legal Separation: Maintaining separate EINs for different businesses helps establish clear legal separation between them. 

Using the same EIN may blur the lines of liability, making it difficult to protect one business's assets from another's weaknesses.

To track and report each business's financial data accuratelyInaccurate Financial Reporting: Accurate financial reporting is crucial for each business entity to track its income, expenses, and overall financial performance. A single EIN can make tracking and reporting each business's financial data challenging.

Lack of Accountability and Clarity: Using the same EIN for different businesses can create confusion regarding ownership, control, and accountability. Establishing clear ownership rights and responsibilities for each business entity may be challenging.

A separate EIN for each business entity is advisable to ensure maximum compliance and proper legal and financial separation. Suppose you have already used the same EIN for multiple businesses; it's recommended to consult with a tax professional or legal advisor to discuss the appropriate steps to rectify the situation and obtain separate EINs for each business entity. This will help ensure compliance with tax regulations and clear separation between your businesses.

If you have multiple accounts or locations that are all part of the same business entity, you can use the same EIN for all of them. This is common for businesses with multiple branches, divisions, or subsidiaries operating under the same legal entity.

Using the same EIN for all your accounts or locations helps maintain consistency.

We currently have our clients registered through our Twilio account. Do we have to write the individual clients now?

If you already have some clients individually registered via Twilio for A2P 10 DLC, you may not necessarily need to re-register them through the LeadConnector (LC) phone system. The registrations done through Twilio should still be valid and compliant.

However, it's important to note that using the LC phone system can leverage its additional capabilities and features designed to enhance your messaging workflows and provide a more streamlined experience. These features may include improved campaign management, advanced reporting, integrated compliance checks, and more.

While the individual client registrations through Twilio are sufficient for A2P 10 DLC compliance, transitioning to the LC phone system can offer you a more comprehensive solution within the HighLevel platform. The benefits and efficiencies of using the LC phone system for your messaging campaigns are worth considering.

Suppose you migrate your clients from Twilio to the LC phone system. In that case, following the steps and guidelines provided by the HighLevel team is recommended to ensure a smooth transition and avoid any disruption to your clients' messaging services. 

You may also want to inform your clients about the transition and the additional capabilities they can benefit from using the LC phone system.

For a sole prop, would you put the person's or DBA's name under the Business Details?

For a sole proprietorship, when filling out the Business Details section, you would typically enter the legal name of the business owner. This means you would provide the person's name rather than a Doing Business As (DBA) name.

The legal name refers to the sole proprietor's name as it appears on official documents such as government identification or tax records. It is essential to accurately enter the legal name to ensure compliance with registration requirements and to align with any existing legal documentation associated with the business.

Suppose you are unsure about which name to enter. In that case, consulting with a legal professional or tax advisor who can provide guidance based on your jurisdiction's specific requirements and regulations is recommended. They can help ensure the business details align with legal and regulatory standards.

Does each subaccount have to go through the registration process?

Regardless of geographic location, each subaccount within your agency must go through the registration process to comply with the A2P 10DLC guidelines. The registration requirements apply to all businesses and agencies that use A2P messaging services within the United States.

Regardless of whether your subaccounts are located in the United States or other countries, if they use US-based phone numbers to send A2P messages, they must follow the registration process outlined by the A2P 10DLC program. The program is designed to regulate and authenticate A2P messaging activities in the United States.

It's important to note that compliance requirements vary by country, so if you have subaccounts outside the United States and are using non-US phone numbers for A2P messaging, you should check the local regulations and guidelines to ensure compliance in those respective countries.

In summary, while the registration process primarily applies to US-based phone numbers, it is still necessary for all subaccounts within your agency, regardless of their geographic location, to go through the registration process if they are using US-based phone numbers for A2P messaging within the United States.

Please explain excessive marketing messages.

When referring to "excessive marketing messages" in the context of a sole proprietorship, you should avoid sending an excessive volume of promotional or marketing text messages to recipients. While the exact threshold for what constitutes "excessive" may vary depending on the specific regulations and guidelines of your jurisdiction, here are some general considerations:

Compliance with Anti-Spam Laws: Ensure your marketing messages comply with anti-spam laws, such as the CAN-SPAM Act in the United States or CASL in Canada. 

These laws typically require obtaining prior consent from recipients and providing precise opt-out mechanisms.

Frequency and Timing: Avoid sending overwhelming marketing messages to recipients within a short period. Sending messages too frequently can lead to recipient fatigue or annoyance, potentially leading to complaints or opt-outs.

Relevance and Targeting: Tailor your marketing messages to be relevant to the recipient's interests and preferences. Sending irrelevant or unsolicited messages can be perceived as spam and may result in negative feedback or non-compliance.

Opt-In and Opt-Out Processes: Implement transparent opt-in processes to ensure that recipients explicitly consent to receive marketing messages from your sole proprietorship. Additionally, provide easy-to-use opt-out mechanisms to honor recipients' requests to unsubscribe from further communications.

Content Quality: Maintain a high standard of content quality in your marketing messages. Avoid misleading or deceptive practices, and ensure that your statements provide genuine value to recipients.

What's the time frame for approval? Seems to be taking weeks, and what about the business registrations that are different than A2P registration? I'm an agency, for example, bringing clients. Does this mean they can't start sms follow-up until it's registered? 

Before we register for a2p, we will need to register for the Business: 


The approval for the campaign will be based on how the information matches the a2p campaign information you submitted. 

You can still use the system following the best practices so that the delivery rate is high and the SMS is not flagged. 

A2P campaign is just a more enhanced safety net for delivery, but that doesn't mean you cannot use the system without it. 

You can follow these basic compliance rules, and you should be good to roll:

1. Add Opt-Out Language in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

2. Add SenderID  in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

3. Do not send SMS to SMS-incapable devices like landlines; enable the number validation feature for this - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/temporary-dnd-based-on-number-validation

4. Avoid sending URLs shortened using a public URL shortener

Please see the LC messaging policy to help you further: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001213941.

Will this carrier solve the issue of sending SMS to spam when a trigger link is added to the texts?

 Avoid sending URLs shortened using a public urls shortener like bit.ly or RB.gy; instead, send the original file link.

Also, checks this:
https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001229784-a2p-10dlc-campaign-approval-best-practices. Best Practice: Consistency in brand, website, and sample messages. If your brand name is Acme, your website is www.acme.com, but your sample messages say, “Here’s your one-time passcode for logging into www.contoso.com,” your campaign will be rejected.

Who is approving all of this??? GHL, Ai Twilio, or TCR?


Do I have to do anything if I register both company and campaigns in Twilio?

You are using your own Twilio instead of LC phone. You can have it there because we can't move campaigns if you switch over to an LC phone. 

Are we able to tell which sub-accounts have registered?

Log in to your account.
Navigate to the Phone Number settings. Look for a menu or tab labeled "Trust Center."

Can people start texting the same day they register?

Yes, but they will get filtered after a couple of messages are sent and will receive a 30007 error. A workaround until the brand is approved would be to get a toll-free number.

Do you know what the setup will be for new clients after August 31 or whenever this is required for texting?

Still working on changes to the UI and don't have an ETA.

I have a DBA error message during registration asking for proof. 

How do I submit the proof, though?

Reach out to support.

My company and brand are already registered, just not the campaign.

You must resubmit the registration if it is not completed by July 5.

How do we add that checkbox in the GHL form that asks them to confirm that they consent to get a text?

Radio button feature. Yes No. Description stating the opt-in.

I'm confused about what phone number I should use for the End user opt-in. Is this required to be the CRM phone number that the text messages come from?


How do we transfer Twilio to the other high-level text product?


What happens for sub-accounts signing up post-August 31? Do they require immediate registration to SMS?

If they plan to send sms as soon as they create the account, I suggest registering A2P.

What do we put in Enable SHAKEN/STIR Trusted Calling?

You can refer to this article on How to fill out Shaken/Stir https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001231665-why-are-my-calls-marked-as-spam-and-how-can-i-avoid-it-lc-phone-

The client lists 60,000 customers who have not opted into SMS. What would be an example of an initial campaign they can send that includes the opt-in for future promotions? Or are they not allowed to send an initial text with a promotion?

You are not legally allowed to text customers who didn't opt-in to receive SMS without consent. You can send them an email either getting them to confirm opted in for SMS.

How you do that... up to your creative methods. Luckily if you switch to LC, we have a feature that adds opt-in language for you in the "Business Profile" settings. Note: This is only available for LC users

What happens if you, as the agency, have EIN and all sub-accounts are 1099?

All subaccounts can register for Sole Prop if they do not have Business EIN.

I have numbers in GHL that were on Twilio before LC Phone was available. Where do I get compliant for those accounts?

If you used your own Twilio before and migrated a subaccount to Leadconnector, You must complete A2P registration for that sub-account. Please complete this in the sub-account's "Trust Center."

Can they get a toll-free instead of a local # so they do not have to register in the trust center?

I suggest still registering for the trust center, as other carriers may filter your sms.

I don't see a setting for the rebilling of these charges.. is it built into the LC phone system rebelling?

The rebilling feature will not work for A2P charges. 

For these, you will need to rebill manually (you might need to confirm this) you 

And how do I register a business in the US if I'm in Europe? Please make a video about that.

You will need to have a US address and EIN.

If you have several subaccounts, should you approve one first and, once approved, send the other accounts? or is all at once better? 

This would be totally up to you. If you want to get your feet wet and submit registration for one subaccount to see how the process would go, this would be a great way to avoid slip-ups for the rest of the accounts. But Submitting all at once would make the process much faster. Please remember that A2P can take several weeks to be fully approved and verified.

Are Sole Prop Businesses required to have toll-free Twilio numbers to be registered/ approved, or can they use local Twilio numbers like non-sole Prop clients?

Sole Prop customers are not required to use toll-free numbers. 

They can use Local and mobile numbers as well.

How do you suggest we Whitelabel this process for our clients?

You can create a loom on completing the process to give to your clients. 

If they come to you stating that anything has failed. You can reach out to support, and we will be able to assist.

For toll-free numbers, does the user have to pay for the A2P and the separate toll-free registration fee (which changes depending on the "Use Case Category."

A2P is not required for Toll-Free numbers.

Does this process differ if we are using Twilio numbers through GHL?

Yes, if you use your own Twilio account directly, you will complete the registration through your Twilio console. however, it is still necessary to have done, even if you are not using Lead Connector. 

For every new client, would we suggest their number will normally deliver until approved, or will we need to tell them their number will need time to register before the SMS delivers? provide

SMS will send they will be subject to carrier filtering until the A2P registration is fully approved. You may experience many failed sms due to carrier filtering until then.

Where can we look up and verify our address for our EIN before submitting it?

You should be able to check this information with your CP 575 from the government issues.

Do I have to have a checkbox on the landing page? I have a statement that says they opt to sms when they submit the form. Then they get the opt-in message with the instructions on how to opt out.

Yes, It is required to have a checkbox on your landing page.

Is this registration necessary if we receive or send less than 10 texts daily?

Yes, A2P Registration is required for all US sub-account, no mater the amount of sms being sent.

When we were with Twilio and tried registering a business profile for CNAM purposes, we were rejected because the brand name differed from the legal name. I assume that we will encounter the same when we do this registration. How does t…

Yes, it will be the same as you must submit the business profile inside of GHL as you did for Twilio; it will not move over.

Why, if you first clicked on "Sole Prop" registration and tried again, did it not let you switch to the Standard Registration? What should we do if that happens to us? Is there any way to restart and pick the "Standard Registration"?

We will have to delete the sole prop on our end, and you will be able to submit the standard registration from there.

I have a realtor that is a sole prop with no EIN but her profile name in the system is her name - Realty... Seeing If I need to update this just to be her name as it is listed on her tax returns?

You must use your customer's information for registration. 

More information here: https://www.twilio.com/docs/sms/a2p-10dlc/onboarding-isv-api-sole-prop-new

Where can we find definitions for each use case?

We will refer to this article from Twilio for now, and we will create a highlevel version soon: https://support.twilio.com/hc/en-us/articles/1260801844470-List-of-campaign-use-case-types-for-A2P-10DLC-registration

How does it work If my corporation or sole prop is a Canadian-registered company? 

How does a Canadian business register?

A new entity, known as Sole Proprietorship 2.0 that supports non-EIN customers will be available: https://www.twilio.com/blog/new-requirements-for-a2p-10dlc-registrations

One alternative is to register for toll-free number registration:

You can still use the system following the best practices so that the delivery rate is high and the SMS is not flagged. A2P campaign is just a more enhanced safety net for delivery, but that doesn't mean you cannot use the system without it. You can follow these basic compliance rules, and you should be good to roll:

1. Add Opt-Out Language in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

2. Add SenderID in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

3. Do not send SMS to SMS-incapable devices like landlines; enable the number validation feature for this - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/temporary-dnd-based-on-number-validation

4. Avoid sending URLs shortened using a public URL shortener

I am also sharing a messaging policy that will help you further on this

I have a UK Ltd company, the UK company number and all the fields are filled in but no option for Trust Center. My Subaccount is a UK Company, though it's buying some USA numbers. So do I need to do this, as I don't have the option since I'm not a USA entity?

No need to do this.

You can still use the system following the best practices so that the delivery rate is high and the SMS is not flagged. A2P campaign is just a more enhanced safety net for delivery, but that doesn't mean you cannot use the system without it. You can follow these basic compliance rules, and you should be good to roll:

1. Add Opt-Out Language in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

2. Add SenderID in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

3. Do not send SMS to SMS-incapable devices like landlines; enable the number validation feature for this - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/temporary-dnd-based-on-number-validation

4. Avoid sending URLs shortened using a public URL shortener

I am also sharing a messaging policy that will help you further on this

How do we use examples as a brand new company just getting started using High-Level SMS and do not have examples to provide?

The examples are when you are trying to send campaigns workflows SMS templates. It could be what you were planning to do with the text campaign.

How do Facebook forms get "pasted in" here?

You can get a share link to the Facebook form or a public hyperlinked to the screenshot.

If you start with Sole Prop, can you upgrade later?

You can reach out to support, and we will be able to remove the current registration and add a new one.

So what do we do if we need to re-register to select the "messages will include an embedded link", since we will send texts with links?

You can reach out to support, and we will be able to remove the current registration and add a new one.

Can we use our agency business information to register under multiple sub-accounts?

No, you must fill out the information based on your clients business.

If our client's billing info is inside GHL, will these fees automatically be charged to them? Is there a setting for this?

Once you enable with rebilling, everything should be rebilled. 

More information here: 


You say 3000 segments. What constitutes a single segment?

You can use https://twiliodeved.github.io/message-segment-calculator/ to check the actual number of segments & character length of your SMS text. 

More information here: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001203458-why-is-my-sms-cost-so-high

What about new accounts in the future if approvals takes awhile?

Approval timelines can vary, but it's advisable to plan for potential delays when onboarding new accounts.

How does the ISV A2P 10DLC registration work within HL Trusthub?

Steps outlined here: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001225526-lc-phone-system-trust-center

Should we stop sending SMS broadcasts until we get approved?

No need to do this 

You can still use the system following the best practices so that the delivery rate is high and the SMS is not flagged. A2P campaign is just a more enhanced safety net for delivery, but that doesn't mean you cannot use the system without it. You can follow these basic compliance rules, and you should be good to roll:

1. Add Opt-Out Language in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

2. Add SenderID in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

3. Do not send SMS to SMS-incapable devices like landlines; enable the number validation feature for this - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/temporary-dnd-based-on-number-validation

4. Avoid sending URLs shortened using a public URL shortener

I am also sharing a messaging policy that will help you further on this

Is the EIN tied to the organization or the individual? For example, if you were issued an EIN number and filed tax return as LLC that no longer exists, do you need a new EIN number or should be registered without one?

If you don’t have a Tax ID (EIN), you should register a Sole Proprietor Brand. 

Steps outlined here: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001225526-lc-phone-system-trust-center

When you bring on a new client does the process still take 4 to 5 weeks for their approval? 

Yes, Approval timelines can vary, but planning for potential delays when onboarding new accounts is advisable.

You can still use the system following the best practices so that the delivery rate is high and the SMS is not flagged. A2P campaign is just a more enhanced safety net for delivery, but that doesn't mean you cannot use the system without it. 

You can follow these basic compliance rules, and you should be good to roll:

1. Add Opt-Out Language in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

2. Add SenderID in all the first SMS sent to a contact - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/compliance-senderid-and-opt-out-language-update

3. Do not send SMS to SMS-incapable devices like landlines; enable the number validation feature for this - https://highlevel.canny.io/changelog/temporary-dnd-based-on-number-validation

4. Avoid sending URLs shortened using a public URL shortener

I am also sharing a messaging policy that will help you further on this

For Campaign Use Case, if we send multiple messages, like appointment reminders and mass marketing SMS, do we submit multiple times or select something like "Mixed" and describe all use cases as best we can?

It's best to select "Mixed" and describe all the use cases as accurately as possible within a single submission.

Does the agency have to register for the client's sub-account or will they do that themselves in their sub-accounts?

The agency can handle the registration for the client's sub-account, or the client can do it themselves if preferred.

What if we sign on new clients after August?

New clients signed after August must complete the registration process and follow the updated guidelines.

Is there a consideration for businesses in ad campaign-restricted categories that want to use SMS as a customer communication channel but are not using SMS for promotional messages? 

Yes, businesses in such categories can still use SMS for customer communication if they comply with the regulations. 

Make sure it's not listed here though: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001219617-forbidden-message-categories-for-sms-and-mms-in-the-us-and-canada.

For example, a licensed firearms re-seller or short-term loa…

Is there something (white labeled) that we can give clients outlining the context of these changes, the steps within the platform that a client can take, and any tips to improve the odds of their approval?

We are working on this. 

Here are all white label versions: https://help.leadconnectorhq.com/support/solutions/folders/48000689487

So if I sign a client in September, what should I do? Onboard them and tell him that we'll wait 5 weeks until we start? This would be extremely bad for my SaaS business. Having to convince new clients and, even if I do, having to tell them to pay $…

New clients signed after August must go through the registration process and follow the updated guidelines.

Zoom is asking to register CAD numbers as well. I know you mentioned that CAD numbers are not affected ut can we also register CAD numbers just to be proactive?

No, Canada mobile carriers are not impacted at this time. 

Canadian mobile carriers may introduce registered A2P 10DLC solutions in the future, but carriers have not announced any plans.

If I operate as a sole proprietor and use UAE - Dubai numbers instead of USA numbers, do you think I will be exempt from A2P 10DLC registration?

It depends if your target audience is using US carriers.

In regard to the registration of multiple sub-accounts. I have over 40 subaccounts of rank and rent branded sites with Twilio numbers. 

How would I go about registering those? Do I just register all of them as Sole Prop with my cell phone number? 

Either agency or client will need to register for the business information. 

The sms content needs to match with the brand registered. More information here: https://help.gohighlevel.com/support/solutions/articles/48001229784-a2p-10dlc-campaign-approval-best-practices

On the OTP mobile number, can I use my cell for all my clients as the agency administrator? or would it be my contact at the client's needs to get the code?

Please provide a mobile number that you have access to confirm OTP verification. 

Only US/Canadian numbers will be accepted. 

You may not use a CPaaS phone number such as one obtained from Twilio. 

You cannot use the same mobile number to register more than 3 Sole Proprietor brands. 

This limit is managed at the TCR level.

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